Amber Paige Wright

General Manager
Amber Paige Wright

Hello, my name is Amber Paige, I’m a Capricorn (December 23rd) and I’m from Smith, Arkansas. I started my career at McDonalds in 2005 with the Buckview family and I enjoyed my time working with them. Starting off working for McDonalds it gave me a drive that I couldn’t even imagine. It helped me build my work ethic, social skills, my problem solving skills, adaptability and more. McDonald’s has shown me that discipline is essential in a work environment, but it’s also OK to have fun! Now working for Hart2Hart Inc. I continue my career with McDonald’s and slowly progressing into becoming not only a better manager but a better person as well. As I continue to work for Hart2Hart I will be looking forward to learning new skills and meeting new people as I have already enjoyed my first year.

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