I started at the 212/81 Watertown McDonald’s only to make money for college in the summer of 2006. Mom helped me pack my 2002 Sunfire and I was off to Brookings to follow societies' life plan for me. I graduated from South Dakota State University with a B.A. degree in business economics with minors in Spanish and accounting. During college I moved my way up to shift management, but I guess McD’s wasn’t done with me. After graduation I moved to I29 Watertown McDonald’s to be the first assistant. In September 2011 I climbed the next step to General Manager of the I29 McDonald’s. My boasting love for McDonald’s grew and shined through the years and in August 2019 I moved in to the mid manager position for both Watertown McDonald’s.
I currently oversee operations for our 17 locations. Along with leading our social media marketing and public relations in all of our communities. I also co-lead the Dakota Dominators, our Dakota’s mid-manager leadership group. Not to brag, but we like to be #1 and we’re good at it.
Some might call me a cat lover, but I’d pet an alligator if it wouldn’t bite me. I actively foster cats (maybe that’s why people think I’m specifically a cat lover?). Cats fit in to my independent lifestyle. I have two of my own, Layla and Theodore (both rescues). I am an adventure enthusiast. Ask me to get on a plane tomorrow to a new destination, I’m down...or to hit up some gnarly rapids kayaking, sounds cool...want to jump out of a plane, okay. I enjoy being physically active from weight lifting to yoga and try to sneak in a few round of golf to keep my game on point. Who am I kidding, if you golf with me I’ll be asking, “did you see where my ball went?”
My favorite part about McDonald’s is watching people grow, personally and professionally. I thrive on making a positive difference in people’s lives on a day to day basis. I hate boring, and at McDonald’s every day is different. When you work for people who have your best interest at heart, you’re never going to abandon those people. Ketchup will run through my veins for the rest of my life.