Felicia Amescua

General Manager
Felicia Amescua

I started around April 2017 with McDonald's. I was hired at the 41st Street location in Sioux Falls when they tore down and built the new one. Working for McDonald's on my 1st day I was so nervous.  They had all kinds of beeping sounds, and buttons, and just a lot going on. I was trained at front counter, order taking. I kept messing up the cheeseburger combos. I didn't know you had to click the 2 cheeseburger buttons, (oops)!  I was pregnant at the time and worked up to 1 week overdue. I guess it was a McHappy Baby, because he was 9lbs 10oz. from all that McDonald's I was eating.

I ended up going to the 10th Street location in Sioux Falls after coming back from maternity leave. I would say at that 10th Street location is where I grew into a leader and roll model. I was a Shift Manager and later got promoted to People Department Manager. I learned a lot from some great leaders. It was inspirational. Some things were self-taught, especially since I am more of a hands-on and visual learner.

My home now is at our 5201 S Louise McDonald's location in Sioux Falls. Here, I could say that I've really grown and planted my roots. As I say, my crew, my people, my McFamily is here and the culture that we have built has been a challenge, but without the challenges we wouldn't be where we are today! I wanted to become the General Manager because I love McDonald's, I love my crew, (my McFamily). I told them all, not only do I feel like I'm moving up, but all of us as whole are moving up, because we have all worked hard to get where we are, and it's not just 1 person or 5 people, it's a group of people.

I LOVE HART2HART, and the culture that they strive for really does show. Nothing changes in a day but keep working and at first you may not succeed, but you learn, you make a plan, and eventually you succeed. Never give up!! Thanks for this amazing opportunity! I want to give a shout out to my inspirations; Julie, Kristi, Chaun & Antonio. They have always been amazing leaders to strive to be and have given me that little voice of "you can do it!!"

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