My name is Tommy Williams. My McDonalds journey started at the age of 14 at the Brookings location. I was a nervous, ambitious, golden arches lovin brownie, who was ready to wear that uniform proudly, and 14 years later I'm still the ambitious golden arches lovin man, and the fact that I get to be the General Manager in the same store i started in really is the icing on the McFlurry! Brookings McDonalds has really become a home away from home for me. My absolute favorite part of my job throughout the years has always been the people i get to work with each day and the regular smiling faces I get to laugh it up with out in the Lobby. A McCrispchicken sandwich is always nice to! When I'm not rockin out with my mcfamily i like to find myself in front of a canvas painting. I like to consider myself a McArtist. I have graduated from hamburger university in 2024!There has honestly been nothing that has brought me more of a joy and excitement than the arches! My goal is to run a successful community involved store and one day win the Ray Kroc award!!